Recipe for Perfect Customer Service
The Appraiser Coach
AUGUST 16, 2022
I’m not the biggest dessert person in the world, but I have a weakness for Arnold Palmers. For those of you unfamiliar with what an Arnold Palmer is, it’s a. Read More.
The Appraiser Coach
AUGUST 16, 2022
I’m not the biggest dessert person in the world, but I have a weakness for Arnold Palmers. For those of you unfamiliar with what an Arnold Palmer is, it’s a. Read More.
Art Appraisal Resources
MARCH 15, 2022
Many Art Appraisers also work as Art Advisors it is a natural and likely channel for collectors as Art Appraisers are independent of a Gallery or Artist and really do work on behalf of their clients, and do not and should not have a stake in whether a client buys art or the level of value the art is. That is what I do best.
The Appraiser Coach
JANUARY 16, 2023
There are many different roles the we play as appraisers. We’re the technician, the business owner, the customer service representative, the secretary, Read More
The Appraiser Coach
OCTOBER 3, 2023
If you find yourself getting this question for answers you feel your employees should already know, it might be about time to update your procedural manual and work on your business—you need time for this too, not just tirelessly pumping out appraisals day in and day out. first appeared on The Appraiser Coach.
What Is It Worth?
APRIL 26, 2023
At Mearto, we’ve been interested in learning more about what this program can offer in the area of fine art, antique and collectibles appraisals, so we went straight to the source. For example, a malicious chatbot could be used to impersonate a customer service representative and steal personal information from users.
Buckhead Jewelry Appraisers
OCTOBER 18, 2023
Each piece may have unique qualities and characteristics that influence jewelry value : Type of Jewelry. High-quality materials often fetch higher prices. Gauge the craftsmanship and design quality of your jewelry. Gather any documentation, such as certificates, appraisals, or receipts for your jewelry. Craftsmanship.
The Appraiser Coach
NOVEMBER 28, 2023
George is in charge of customer service, and we’ve been noticing that things aren’t going so well. For more information on this subject, please download and listen to The Appraiser Coach Podcast Episode: [link] I’d like to share with you a practice that I use when addressing these kinds of issues.
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