Sotheby’s to lay off dozens of employees in UK with further cuts planned in other locations
The Art Newspaper
MAY 29, 2024
Auction house is in “consultation period” ahead of redundancies, sources say
The Art Newspaper
MAY 29, 2024
Auction house is in “consultation period” ahead of redundancies, sources say
The Art Newspaper
JANUARY 28, 2025
The lawyer and auction house legal consultant succeeds Martin Wilson, who was appointed chief executive at Phillips last month
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The Art Newspaper
JUNE 6, 2024
Sotheby’s has also entered a consultation period ahead of redundancies
Antique Appraisers Auctioneers
MARCH 25, 2024
If you own Chinese antiques and are curious about their value, it’s essential to consult a Chinese antiques expert who can help you determine their worth. Premier auction houses like Sotheby’s are guaranteed to have experts in Chinese art who can accurately appraise your Chinese antiques.
Antique Appraisers Auctioneers
AUGUST 6, 2024
This blog post will provide you with a guide to antique auctions and how they work. What is an antique auction? An antique auction is a public sale of antiques. Auctions are typically held by auction houses, but they can also be held by individuals or estates. How do antique auctions work?
Art Appraisal Resources
JANUARY 16, 2024
Auction houses are a viable option to sell your fine art collection if the conditions are right. Qualified appraisers and advisors can help determine if the auction market is the right choice to sell your fine art. When you are ready to sell your art through an auction house, there are some critical steps to consider.
Buckhead Jewelry Appraisers
OCTOBER 18, 2023
Auction Houses. Check out auction houses online or in your area that specialize in jewelry. You can also consult with experts or professionals in the jewelry industry for more insights into market trends and current demand for the type of jewelry you wish to sell. Auction Houses. Local Jewelry Stores.
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